
잃어버린 질량

잃어버린 질량 (Missing Mass)

      지구로부터 방사상으로 멀어지고 있는 일부의 암석들을 우주에서 보았다고 상상하여 보자. 만약 암석들이 지구에서 동시에 폭발되어졌다면, 그들의 질량과, 속도의 변화, 지구로부터의 거리는 서로 매우 간단한 관계식을 가지게 될 것이다. 비슷한 관계식이 관측되는 수십억 개의 은하들에서 체크 되었을 때, 분명한 결론은 이러한 은하들은 한 공통의 점에서 '빅뱅(Big Bang)'으로 폭발되지 않았다는 것이다.1 만약 그런 폭발이 발생했었다면, 더욱 분명해지는 것은 그 폭발은 수십억 년 보다 훨씬 더 적어야만 한다는 것이다.  

진화론자들은 이 문제를 두 가지 방법으로 해결해보려고 노력한다. 첫째로 그들은 우주는 보여지는 것 보다 적어도 10배는 많은 물질들로 가득 차있다고 가정한다. 20년 동안이나 이 숨겨진 질량을 찾기 위해서 노력해 왔지만, 결론은 이 필요한 '잃어버린 질량(missing mass)'은 존재하지 않는다는 것이었다.2

두 번째 해결을 위한 시도로 암석들은(또는 우주에 있는 모든 입자들이) 간단하면서도 거의 마술적으로 일부 지점으로부터 가속되면서 멀어졌다고 가정한다. 이 물질들은 폭발에 의해서가 아니라, 알려지지 않은 그리고 시험되지도 않은 어떤 현상에 의해서, 빛의 속도보다 수십억의 수조 배의 속도에 도달하게 되었다는 것이다. 그리고 이 물질들은 100억년 정도의 분명한 연대가 주어지기 위한 적절한 속도에 도달된 이후 중력에 의해서 조절되었다는 것이다.그러한 상상과 추측에 의한 비약은 우주론(cosmology) 분야에서는 흔하다.



*한국창조과학회 자료실/천문학/빅뱅설

*한국창조과학회 자료실/천문학/별, 태양계, 혜성

*한국창조과학회 자료실/연대문제/젊은 우주와 지구에 있는 자료들을 참조하세요


Reference and Notes

1. This problem was first explained by R. H. Dicke, 'Gravitation and the Universe: The Jayne Lectures for 1969,” American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, 1970, p. 62. Alan Guth’s attempt to solve it (see 'c” below) led to a variation of the big bang theory called the 'inflationary big bang.”

2. This missing mass is called 'dark matter,” because it cannot be seen and, so far, has not been detected. Candidates for 'missing mass” include neutrinos, black holes, dead stars, low-mass stars, and various subatomic particles and objects dreamed up by cosmologists simply to solve this problem. Each candidate has many scientific problems. One study of two adjacent galaxies shows they have relatively little dark matter. [See Ron Cowen 'Ringing In a New Estimate for Dark Matter,” Science News, Vol. 136, 5 August 1989, p. 84.] Another study found no missing mass within 150 million light-years of Earth. [See Eric J. Lerner, 'COBE Confounds the Cosmologists,” Aerospace America, March 1990, pp. 40-41.] A third study found no dark matter in a large elliptical galaxy, M105. [See 'Dark Matter Isn’t Everywhere,” Astronomy, September 1993, pp. 19-20.] A fourth study found no dark matter in the main body of our galaxy. [See Alexander Hellemans, 'Galactic Disk Contains No Dark Matter,” Science, Vol. 278, 14 November 1997, p. 1230.] A fifth study, after cataloging the positions and distances of 100 million galaxies, concluded that the needed mass does not exist. [See Ron Cowen, 'Whole-Sky Catalog,” Science News, Vol. 155, 6 February 1999, pp. 92-93.]

* 'Of all the many mysteries of modern astronomy, none is more vexing than the nature of dark matter. Most astronomers believe that large quantities of some unidentified material pervade the universe. ... Yet this dark matter has eluded every effort by astronomers and physicists to bring it out of the shadows. A handful of us suspect that it might not really exist, and others are beginning to consider this possibility seriously.” Mordehai Milgrom, 'Does Dark Matter Really Exist?” Scientific American, Vol. 287, No. 2, August 2002, p. 43.

* 'Even the most enthusiastic cosmologist will admit that current theories of the nature of the universe have some big holes. One such gap is that the universe seems to be younger than some of the objects contained within it. [See 'How Old Do Evolutionists Say the Universe Is?' on page 266.] Another problem is that the observed universe just doesn’t appear to have enough matter in it to explain the way it behaves now, nor the way theorists predict it will evolve.” Robert Matthews, 'Spoiling a Universal ‘Fudge Factor,’” Science, Vol. 265, 5 August 1994, pp. 740-741.

3. This is called the 'inflationary big bang.” It was proposed by Alan H. Guth in a paper entitled 'A Possible Solution to the Horizon and Flatness Problem” in Physical Review, D, Vol. 23, 15 January 1981, pp. 348-356.

* The 'missing mass problem” can be stated more directly. If the big bang occurred, the total mass of the expanding universe should have a very precise relationship with the outward velocities and distances of all galaxies and other matter. This mass must not deviate from this amount by even one part in 1055 (ten thousand million billion trillion trillion trillion).

If the mass were slightly greater than this critical value (the closed condition):

1)gravitational forces would have caused all the matter in the universe to collapse suddenly, perhaps within seconds,

2)all the universe’s mass would be crunched into a big ball, and

3)we would not be here to wonder how everything began.

If the mass were slightly less than this critical value (the open condition):

1)particles would have expanded indefinitely,

2)stars and galaxies would not have formed, and

3)we would not be here to think about it.

The estimated mass of the visible universe is less than 1/10th of this critical value. Stars and galaxies exist. Therefore, the big bang probably did not occur. Only by believing that a vast amount of invisible, unmeasurable mass is hidden somewhere, can one maintain a faith in the big bang theory.

This problem can be viewed in another way. If the universe were billions of years old, it should:

1)have collapsed on itself (closed), or

2)have expanded so much that stars and galaxies could never have formed (open), or

3)its kinetic energy should balance its gravitational energy within one part in 1055 for most particles we see in the universe! For the last two decades, measurements have repeatedly not supported this.

Consequently, it seems most likely that the universe is not billions of years old.

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