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K/T(백악기/제3기) 충돌 가설과 세속적 신격변론 : 홍수지질학에서 신격변론이 중요한 이유는?
Large cratonic basins likely of impact origin
Desert varnish grows much faster than geologists admit
Waterfall formation may not need tectonics or climate change
Did the Mediterranean Sea desiccate numerous times?
The ‘Great Unconformity’ and associated geochemical evidence for Noahic Flood erosion
Are soft-sediment trace fossils(ichnofossils) a time problem for the Flood?
Sediment bioturbation experiments and the actual rock record
Flood processes into the late Cenozoic : part 2—sedimentary rock evidence
Flood processes into the late Cenozoic : part 6—climatic and other evidence
Flood processes into the late Cenozoic : part 7— critique of a post-Flood Cenozoic
The effects of large impacts during the Flood year
The Geology of Israel within the Biblical Creation-Flood Framework of History : 1. The pre-Flood Rocks
The Geology of Israel within the Biblical Creation-Flood Framework of History : 2. The Flood Rocks
The problem of the wet Sahara
Loess problems
The Messinian salinity crisis questioned
A Niagara-Class Waterfall in Days
Navajo Sandstone Dates Are Incoherent
Do five dropstones define another Proterozoic cold period?
서울특별시 종로구 창경궁로26길 28-3
대표전화 02-419-6465 / 팩스 02-451-0130 / desk@creation.kr
고유번호 : 219-82-00916 Copyright ⓒ 한국창조과학회
상호명 : (주)창조과학미디어 / 대표자 : 박영민
사업자번호 : 120-87-70892
통신판매업신고 : 제 2021-서울종로-1605 호
주소 : 서울특별시 종로구 창경궁로26길 28-5
대표전화 : 02-419-6484
개인정보책임자 : 김광
K/T(백악기/제3기) 충돌 가설과 세속적 신격변론 : 홍수지질학에서 신격변론이 중요한 이유는?
Large cratonic basins likely of impact origin
Desert varnish grows much faster than geologists admit
Waterfall formation may not need tectonics or climate change
Did the Mediterranean Sea desiccate numerous times?
The ‘Great Unconformity’ and associated geochemical evidence for Noahic Flood erosion
Are soft-sediment trace fossils(ichnofossils) a time problem for the Flood?
Sediment bioturbation experiments and the actual rock record
Flood processes into the late Cenozoic : part 2—sedimentary rock evidence
Flood processes into the late Cenozoic : part 6—climatic and other evidence
Flood processes into the late Cenozoic : part 7— critique of a post-Flood Cenozoic
The effects of large impacts during the Flood year
The Geology of Israel within the Biblical Creation-Flood Framework of History : 1. The pre-Flood Rocks
The Geology of Israel within the Biblical Creation-Flood Framework of History : 2. The Flood Rocks
The problem of the wet Sahara
Loess problems
The Messinian salinity crisis questioned
A Niagara-Class Waterfall in Days
Navajo Sandstone Dates Are Incoherent
Do five dropstones define another Proterozoic cold period?