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창세기 대홍수의 역사적 사실성 - 지질학
지질학의 새로운 발견들 - 지질주상도와 성경적 지질학
동일과정설과 지질주상도
지질주상도의 기원은 무엇인가?
지질주상도에 대한 10가지 오해
지사학의 위세
지질학적 편협성
지구의 지층암석은 오래되어 보이는가?
격변설의 등장
성경적 시간 틀로 지질주상도 이해하기
노아 홍수의 후퇴 단계 : 창세기 8:1-12절에 대한 주석 및 지질학적 노트
지질주상도는 많은 예외들을 가지는 전 지구적 홍수의 일반적 순서이다.
선캄브리아기 : 전 지구적으로 관련되어 있고, 모두 홍수로 퇴적되었다.
노아의 홍수는 유성 충돌로 시발되었는가?
성경적 지질학
한 전문 지질학자의 간증
지질학적 명칭은 돌에 새겨져 있지 않다 : 페름기의 명명에 숨겨진 이야기
지질주상도의 진화 : 선캄브리아기에 관한 논란
The geology transformation tool. A new way of looking at your world
Using Bible history to interpret the rocks and landscapes
Is the geological column a global sequence?
The Geologic Column : Does it exist?
Not enough rocks : the sedimentary record and deep time
The stratigraphic geological column—a dead end
Scriptural Geology, Then and Now (ARJ)
A developing schism in Flood geology
Can the relative timing of radioisotope dates be applied to biblical geology?
The Precambrian: globally correlated and all Flood deposited
The Tertiary Stratigraphy Surrounding Americus, Georgia : Evidence in Support of the Young-Earth Flood Framework
Impacts and Noah’s Flood—how many and other issues
An impact Flood submodel—dealing with issues
Precambrian impacts and the Genesis Flood
Harmony between the Bible and Precambrian geology—too favourable to naturalism
Untangling Uniformitarianism, Level 1 : A Quest for Clarity
The History of the Development of the Geological Column
Geologic Column
Geological Processes Can Be Rapid
Anti-Biblical Bias Shaped Geological Opinion
New Geological Episode Sounds Flood-Like
One Flood Can Cause Major Change
Creation Geologist Fights Secular Bullies
Great Creation Scientists : Nicolaus Steno. Founder of modern geology and young–Earth creationist
Geological pioneer Nicolaus Steno was a biblical creationist
The 19th century scriptural geologists : historical background
British Scriptural Geologists in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century : Part 1. Historical Setting
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 2. Granville Penn (1761–1844)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 3. George Bugg (1769–1851)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 4. Andrew Ure (1778–1857)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 5. Henry Cole (1792?–1858)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 6. Thomas Gisborne (1758–1846)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 7. Rev. Samuel Best (1802–1873)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 8. George Fairholme (1789–1846)
British Scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 9. James Mellor Brown (1796?– 1867)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 10. Fowler De Johnsone
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 11. John Murray (1786?–1851)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the 19th century : part 12. George Young (1777–1848)
▶ Geology Q&A (CMI)
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대표전화 02-419-6465 / 팩스 02-451-0130 / desk@creation.kr
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주소 : 서울특별시 종로구 창경궁로26길 28-5
대표전화 : 02-419-6484
개인정보책임자 : 김광
동일과정설과 지질주상도
지질주상도의 기원은 무엇인가?
지질주상도에 대한 10가지 오해
지사학의 위세
지질학적 편협성
지구의 지층암석은 오래되어 보이는가?
격변설의 등장
성경적 시간 틀로 지질주상도 이해하기
노아 홍수의 후퇴 단계 : 창세기 8:1-12절에 대한 주석 및 지질학적 노트
지질주상도는 많은 예외들을 가지는 전 지구적 홍수의 일반적 순서이다.
선캄브리아기 : 전 지구적으로 관련되어 있고, 모두 홍수로 퇴적되었다.
노아의 홍수는 유성 충돌로 시발되었는가?
성경적 지질학
한 전문 지질학자의 간증
지질학적 명칭은 돌에 새겨져 있지 않다 : 페름기의 명명에 숨겨진 이야기
지질주상도의 진화 : 선캄브리아기에 관한 논란
The geology transformation tool. A new way of looking at your world
Using Bible history to interpret the rocks and landscapes
Is the geological column a global sequence?
The Geologic Column : Does it exist?
Not enough rocks : the sedimentary record and deep time
The stratigraphic geological column—a dead end
Scriptural Geology, Then and Now (ARJ)
A developing schism in Flood geology
Can the relative timing of radioisotope dates be applied to biblical geology?
The Precambrian: globally correlated and all Flood deposited
The Tertiary Stratigraphy Surrounding Americus, Georgia : Evidence in Support of the Young-Earth Flood Framework
Impacts and Noah’s Flood—how many and other issues
An impact Flood submodel—dealing with issues
Precambrian impacts and the Genesis Flood
Harmony between the Bible and Precambrian geology—too favourable to naturalism
Untangling Uniformitarianism, Level 1 : A Quest for Clarity
The History of the Development of the Geological Column
Geologic Column
Geological Processes Can Be Rapid
Anti-Biblical Bias Shaped Geological Opinion
New Geological Episode Sounds Flood-Like
One Flood Can Cause Major Change
Creation Geologist Fights Secular Bullies
Great Creation Scientists : Nicolaus Steno. Founder of modern geology and young–Earth creationist
Geological pioneer Nicolaus Steno was a biblical creationist
The 19th century scriptural geologists : historical background
British Scriptural Geologists in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century : Part 1. Historical Setting
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 2. Granville Penn (1761–1844)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 3. George Bugg (1769–1851)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 4. Andrew Ure (1778–1857)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 5. Henry Cole (1792?–1858)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 6. Thomas Gisborne (1758–1846)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 7. Rev. Samuel Best (1802–1873)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 8. George Fairholme (1789–1846)
British Scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 9. James Mellor Brown (1796?– 1867)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 10. Fowler De Johnsone
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the nineteenth century : part 11. John Murray (1786?–1851)
British scriptural geologists in the first half of the 19th century : part 12. George Young (1777–1848)
▶ Geology Q&A (CMI)