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우주론의 역사와 진화 우주론자들
우주론의 최근 역사
현대의 항성 이론(stellar theories)을 만든 세 사람
칼 세이건 : 과학주의의 대변자
현대 우주론은 근거가 없다고 천문학 컬럼니스트는 말한다.
스티븐 호킹의 무신론
무(無)에서부터의 진화
Cosmology’s fatal weakness—underdetermination
String Theory—causing a disturbance of cosmic proportions
Stephen Hawking : the closed mind of a dogmatic atheist
Hawking on Heaven
Hawking atheopathy : Famous physicist goes beyond the evidence
Secular Cosmology Is Useless and Pointless
How to Get Everything from Nothing
Big Bangers Are Making Things Up
Cosmologists Cling to Ghosts
Cosmology Shrieks in the Dark
Triple Fail : Big Science Blunders
Antimatter Claim Overblown
What the Most Eminent Cosmologist Believed
How the universe made itself with entropy. A review of ‘Until the End of Time: Mind, matter and our search for meaning in an evolving universe’ (Brian Greene)
▶ Astronomy and Astrophysics Questions and Answers
서울특별시 종로구 창경궁로26길 28-3
대표전화 02-419-6465 / 팩스 02-451-0130 / desk@creation.kr
고유번호 : 219-82-00916 Copyright ⓒ 한국창조과학회
상호명 : (주)창조과학미디어 / 대표자 : 박영민
사업자번호 : 120-87-70892
통신판매업신고 : 제 2021-서울종로-1605 호
주소 : 서울특별시 종로구 창경궁로26길 28-5
대표전화 : 02-419-6484
개인정보책임자 : 김광
우주론의 최근 역사
현대의 항성 이론(stellar theories)을 만든 세 사람
칼 세이건 : 과학주의의 대변자
현대 우주론은 근거가 없다고 천문학 컬럼니스트는 말한다.
스티븐 호킹의 무신론
무(無)에서부터의 진화
Cosmology’s fatal weakness—underdetermination
String Theory—causing a disturbance of cosmic proportions
Stephen Hawking : the closed mind of a dogmatic atheist
Hawking on Heaven
Hawking atheopathy : Famous physicist goes beyond the evidence
Secular Cosmology Is Useless and Pointless
How to Get Everything from Nothing
Big Bangers Are Making Things Up
Cosmologists Cling to Ghosts
Cosmology Shrieks in the Dark
Triple Fail : Big Science Blunders
Antimatter Claim Overblown
What the Most Eminent Cosmologist Believed
How the universe made itself with entropy. A review of ‘Until the End of Time: Mind, matter and our search for meaning in an evolving universe’ (Brian Greene)
▶ Astronomy and Astrophysics Questions and Answers