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믿음이 시험될 때 : 욥기가 주는 메시지

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과정신론 : 성경과 조화될 수 있는가?

다빈치코드 : 비밀스런 감춰진 진실? ; 성경을 공격하고 있는 반기독교적 베스트 셀러

"궁창(라이카)"와 천체들의 위치 [창세기100문100답, #25]

창세기 1장의 "창조하다(바라)"와 "만들다(아싸)" [창세기100문100답, #24]

"하늘(솨마임)"과 "궁창(라키아)"과 태양 [창세기100문100답, #23]

첫째 날 하나님께서는 무엇을 창조하셨을까? [창세기100문100답, #9]

창세기의 히브리문양의 의미? [창세기100문100답, #4]

창세기의 서술적구조 [창세기100문100답, #3]

창세기는 족보책? [창세기100문100답, #2]

창조에 대한 증거로서 성경

Thoughts on the rãqîa and a Possible Explanation for the Cosmic Microwave Background. (ARJ)

Giants, not allowed by Smithsonian Institute, disappeared from history as reported in old news!

Giants & humans with six fingers & six toes

The serpent worshippers

Athena and Eve

Creationism in Europe 

Is Darius, the king of Ezra 6:14–15, the same king as the Artaxerxes of Ezra 7:1?

Synchronisation of the divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel

Did the Moon Appear as Blood on the Night of the Crucifixion?

Hebrew Metaphysic : Life, Holy, Clean, Righteousness, and Sacrifice (ARJ)

Examining Supposed Creation Passages in Exodus to Job

* Biblical Giants (That’s a Fact, 동영상)

▶ Angels and Demons (AiG)

▶ Hell (AiG)

▶ Women in the Bible (Biblical Archaeology Society)

▶ Remembering Three Archaeological Giants (Biblical Archaeology Society)

▶ Dead Sea Scrolls (Biblical Archaeology Society)

▶ Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? (Biblical Archaeology Society)

▶ The Canonical Gospels (Biblical Archaeology Society)

▶ The Gospels that Didn’t Make the Cut (Biblical Archaeology Society) 




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