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하나님의 말씀인 성경 - 성경
성경은 사실이다 - 출애굽의 증거들
이집트 역사와 성경 기록 : 완벽한 조화?
이집트에 히브리인들이 살았다는 증거 : 그리고 출애굽 연대에 대한 고찰
이집트 연대기와 성경 : 현장 고고학자 데이비드와의 대화
출애굽의 역사성을 확증하고 있는 영화, “출애굽의 증거들”이 개봉되었다.
“증거의 패턴 : 홍해의 기적” - 성경의 진실성을 입증하는 영화
애굽의 열 가지 재앙 : 기적인가, 자연현상인가?
시내산의 위치에 관해 논란이 되고 있는 고고학적 장소를 사우디아라비아 정부가 공개한다.
여호수아의 파괴 이후의 여리고 성 : 성경과 고고학의 일치.
출애굽시기와 체류기간을 확정할 수 있는가? [창세기100문100답, #19]
출애굽 사건은 어느 정도로 중요한가? [창세기100문100답, #18]
The Exodus
Evidence of Hebrews in Egypt
Exodus evidence revisited
Evidence for the Israelite Sojourn in Egypt (Creation Wiki)
New chronology (Creation Wiki)
How Long Were the Israelites in Egypt?
Ancient Egypt confirms: Genesis is history
Fall of the Sothic theory : Egyptian chronology revisited
Rameses III and Tel Lachish—A Test Case For the Egyptian Chronology of David Down. (ARJ)
The Place of the Exodus in Egyptian History. (ARJ)
The Place of the Exodus in Egyptian History : Comments. (ARJ)
The Place of the Exodus in Egyptian History : Reply # 1. (ARJ)
The Place of the Exodus in Egyptian History : Reply # 2. (ARJ)
Extensive mixing among Israelites and non-Israelites in biblical history
Chronology of the 430 years of Exodus 12:40
Egyptian chronology and the Bible—framing the issues
Doesn't Egyptian Chronology Prove Bible Is Unreliable?
Logistics of the Exodus : How did Moses organize the Israelites to cross the Red Sea?
Can we understand Egyptian chronology before the Exodus?
The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
What’s the point of the pyramids?
How did they build the Great Pyramid?
Unwrapping the Pharaohs
Patterns of Evidence : Exodus
Movie Review : Patterns of Evidence : The Exodus
Book Review : Patterns of Evidence : The Exodus
Movie Review of Exodus : Gods and Kings
Patterns of Evidence : The Red Sea Miracle Coming to Theaters
Patterns of Evidence : The Red Sea Miracle provides compelling evidence for the Bible
Movie review: Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy
Patterns Of Evidence, Episode 6: Journey to Mount Sinai Part II
Red Sea Parting, Jonah, and miracles in general
Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?
Red Sea Parted “Naturally”?
The Red Sea Crossing : can secular science model miracles?
The Mysterious Hyksos
Did the Exodus lead to the Hyksos Invasion? Was Egypt completely destroyed by the events of the Exodus?
The genetic history of the Israelite nation
▶ Ancient Egypt (AiG)
▶ Egypt (CMI)
▶ The Exodus & Wilderness Wanderings under Moses 1446-1406 BC (Associates for Biblical Research)
▶ Synchronizing the Biblical & Egyptian Histories (NW Creation Network)
▶ The John 10:10 Project
▶ Exodus (Biblical Archaeology Society)
▶ Bible History on the Nile (Biblical Archaeology Society)
▶ Egypt, Canaan, and Israel (Biblical Archaeology Society)
서울특별시 종로구 창경궁로26길 28-3
대표전화 02-419-6465 / 팩스 02-451-0130 / desk@creation.kr
고유번호 : 219-82-00916 Copyright ⓒ 한국창조과학회
상호명 : (주)창조과학미디어 / 대표자 : 박영민
사업자번호 : 120-87-70892
통신판매업신고 : 제 2021-서울종로-1605 호
주소 : 서울특별시 종로구 창경궁로26길 28-5
대표전화 : 02-419-6484
개인정보책임자 : 김광
이집트 역사와 성경 기록 : 완벽한 조화?
이집트에 히브리인들이 살았다는 증거 : 그리고 출애굽 연대에 대한 고찰
이집트 연대기와 성경 : 현장 고고학자 데이비드와의 대화
출애굽의 역사성을 확증하고 있는 영화, “출애굽의 증거들”이 개봉되었다.
“증거의 패턴 : 홍해의 기적” - 성경의 진실성을 입증하는 영화
애굽의 열 가지 재앙 : 기적인가, 자연현상인가?
시내산의 위치에 관해 논란이 되고 있는 고고학적 장소를 사우디아라비아 정부가 공개한다.
여호수아의 파괴 이후의 여리고 성 : 성경과 고고학의 일치.
출애굽시기와 체류기간을 확정할 수 있는가? [창세기100문100답, #19]
출애굽 사건은 어느 정도로 중요한가? [창세기100문100답, #18]
The Exodus
Evidence of Hebrews in Egypt
Exodus evidence revisited
Evidence for the Israelite Sojourn in Egypt (Creation Wiki)
New chronology (Creation Wiki)
How Long Were the Israelites in Egypt?
Ancient Egypt confirms: Genesis is history
Fall of the Sothic theory : Egyptian chronology revisited
Rameses III and Tel Lachish—A Test Case For the Egyptian Chronology of David Down. (ARJ)
The Place of the Exodus in Egyptian History. (ARJ)
The Place of the Exodus in Egyptian History : Comments. (ARJ)
The Place of the Exodus in Egyptian History : Reply # 1. (ARJ)
The Place of the Exodus in Egyptian History : Reply # 2. (ARJ)
Extensive mixing among Israelites and non-Israelites in biblical history
Chronology of the 430 years of Exodus 12:40
Egyptian chronology and the Bible—framing the issues
Doesn't Egyptian Chronology Prove Bible Is Unreliable?
Logistics of the Exodus : How did Moses organize the Israelites to cross the Red Sea?
Can we understand Egyptian chronology before the Exodus?
The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
What’s the point of the pyramids?
How did they build the Great Pyramid?
Unwrapping the Pharaohs
Patterns of Evidence : Exodus
Movie Review : Patterns of Evidence : The Exodus
Book Review : Patterns of Evidence : The Exodus
Movie Review of Exodus : Gods and Kings
Patterns of Evidence : The Red Sea Miracle Coming to Theaters
Patterns of Evidence : The Red Sea Miracle provides compelling evidence for the Bible
Movie review: Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy
Patterns Of Evidence, Episode 6: Journey to Mount Sinai Part II
Red Sea Parting, Jonah, and miracles in general
Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?
Red Sea Parted “Naturally”?
The Red Sea Crossing : can secular science model miracles?
The Mysterious Hyksos
Did the Exodus lead to the Hyksos Invasion? Was Egypt completely destroyed by the events of the Exodus?
The genetic history of the Israelite nation
▶ Ancient Egypt (AiG)
▶ Egypt (CMI)
▶ The Exodus & Wilderness Wanderings under Moses 1446-1406 BC (Associates for Biblical Research)
▶ Synchronizing the Biblical & Egyptian Histories (NW Creation Network)
▶ The John 10:10 Project
▶ Exodus (Biblical Archaeology Society)
▶ Bible History on the Nile (Biblical Archaeology Society)
▶ Egypt, Canaan, and Israel (Biblical Archaeology Society)