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성경의 고고학적 증거들 - 신약시대 유물

예수님의 고향 마을이 발굴되었다.

베들레헴이 고대에 실제로 존재했음이 확인되었다.

야고보의 유골함은 진품이었다.

예수님에 관한 고고학적 증거는 발견된 적이 있는가?

New Testament Archaeology

Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the Bible

30 People in the New Testament Confirmed

Priscilla in the New Testament

New Testament Religious Figures Confirmed

New Testament Political Figures Confirmed

Dating the Oldest New Testament Christian Manuscripts

The Bethesda Pool, Site of One of Jesus’ Miracles

Did Joseph of Arimathea move the body?

Digging for Truth Episode 103: Defending the Faith-Is the New Testament Reliable?

Even Caesar Confirmed the Resurrection

Nazareth Inscription Study Debunks Evidence for Christ’s Resurrection?

The Nazareth Inscription : Proof of the Resurrection of Christ? Part One : Translation, Commentary, and Date

The Nazareth Inscription : Proof of the Resurrection of Christ? Part Two : The Historical Context of The Nazareth Inscription

Archaeology News from the Time of Jesus

Did Jesus really sit on this ancient boat from the Sea of Galilee?

What does archaeology tell us about Paul’s travels through Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12)?

▶  New Testament Archaeology

▶  Top Ten Discoveries Related to Jesus

▶ The New Testament Era 25-100 AD (Associates for Biblical Research)

▶ People, Places, and Things in the New Testament (Associates for Biblical Research)

▶ The Life & Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ & the Apostles 26-99 AD (Associates for Biblical Research)

▶ Paul’s Journeys (Biblical Archaeology Society)

▶ Machaerus : Site of John the Baptists’ Beheading (Biblical Archaeology Society)

▶ Masada : History and Archaeology (Biblical Archaeology Society)

▶ The Forgery Trial of the Century (Biblical Archaeology Society) 


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